My heart breaks for the loss suffered by this year’s high school seniors. It was to be the culmination of all years prior, the reward for all of their hard work. This was their last year to be with friends, enjoying the ultimate experiences of the class trip, prom, and countless other “lasts”.
And where are they? Home. After becoming accustomed to having the independence that a driver’s license brings, and with the majority now legally adults, they are home with their parents and siblings. Our world has become a bizarre, unfamiliar place. Teaching is now reassigned to online classrooms with a whole new discipline. No doubt these students just want to break free and run off with their friends.
My daughter was given an assignment recently. She had to write to someone in the future, who didn’t live through this pandemic. When she shared it with me, I was amazed at the maturity she showed. Here is her writing:
Shannon Patterson
3 April 2020
Western Culture
“Project” Assignment
Looking back to the beginning of my senior year, I could never have predicted that it would end like this. Of all the years of my life, none compared to this one. Everyday felt like a new adventure with my friends and I looked forward to being with them more than ever. I tried to soak up every moment knowing that they would be my lasts of high school, not knowing I had so much less time than I thought. The last softball / baseball season, senior prom, senior trip, and graduation have all been taken away from the class of 2020. After four years of anticipation for these final events, we have no choice but to spend the end of our high school careers apart.
If I could share a message with those in the future who did not live through the corona virus pandemic, it would be to realize how much we take for granted. Something as simple as going to school or leaving the house can be taken away in a second. It is easy to get caught up in everyday life and look past all the little things that make each day special. My message would be to enjoy the little things and to understand that it could all be taken away in a flash.
While this situation is extremely disappointing, there is still encouragement. Through all the unknowns of Covid-19, there is one thing that we can be confident in: that God is in control and we can trust in Him. Although this virus is big, He is bigger and has a purpose behind every hardship. Despite the unknowns of my senior year, God already knows and has a greater plan for how He will use this in my life and the lives of others. Because of this, I can trust in the Lord and praise Him through every situation even when I do not understand.
I love her outlook.
May God bless you during this difficult season.
“Life isn’t easy. Together we can make it better.”
Hey Carolyn and Shannon,
Your insight Shannon is incredibly mature and well thought out. It is extremely disappointing to end one’s phase of life getting ready for the next in this bizarre climate.
CONGRATULATIONS on your accomplishments though. May God bless you and keep you in his care in your future adventures!
Thank you, Cindy. I will share this with her.
Looks like there are 2 gifted writers in the family! Thank you for your perspective Shannon. Everyone is experiencing this abit differently. May God bless & guide you.
Thank you, Diane. I will pass this on to her.
I am truly impressed with you, Shannon! It takes maturity to have such insight. You are a gifted and blessed, young woman that has a bright future ahead of you.
Carolyn, you have done a great service to us all for raising such an understanding and insightful woman! Thanks for that and for sharing her writing!
I was impressed with her too. I will pass your thoughts along to her. Thank you!
My sympathies to Shannon and congratulations for having such a far-seeing picture of the future. And kudos to you, Carolyn, for raising such a marvelous person who will be a blessing everywhere she goes.
Thank you, Lynn. God has certainly blessed me with her.
Shannon, I remember the first time I met you and am so blessed to see the lovely young woman you have grown into! Beautiful inside and out! God’s richest blessings on your future!
Thank you, Mrs Conahan. I hope you are doing well-Shannon
Don’t take anything for granted and God is bigger than COVID-19. I don’t know that I would have been that mature about those big disappointments when I was a senior. Well said Shannon..
Thank you!
Thank you Carolyn and Shannon! Shannon, truly thoughtful and moving words. I am so grateful that you both shared this!
Thank you from both of us!
It’s a good thing to trust in God – a good thing to learn that in times like this. Because it’s sure not gonna be the last time people get hopes and dreams dashed. This is super hard on you, Shannon, and other seniors. I’m so sorry for y’all. But am so thankful you know how to hold onto the Lord!
Thanks for sharing this, Carolyn!
Thanks, Pam, from the two of us!
Delight to read this testimony of hope! God is blessing you because you take faith and trust in HIm during whatever life throws at you. Wisdom in difficulty, says there is a purpose, and God’s grace will meet us if we hang on with with all we are. The good-news this Easter ’22. is that God opens his living grace to us personally. Eye has not seen nor has ear heard nor has entered into the heart of a man the things God has prepared for those who love him and are called according to His purposes. 1Corinthians 2:9 Thanks for Posting!
Thank you for stopping by and for your comments. Be blessed this holiest of weekends!