Where Do You Stand Before the Tree?

Ah, the Sears catalog. As young children of the sixties, we waited for it with eager anticipation each year. Once it arrived in our mailbox, we’d flop belly down on the floor, paper and pencil ready. We’d pour over it, each making a wish list for Santa. Written through our hopes and dreams.

Standing before the tree and decorating was so much fun! The Christmas tunes blaring from our record player increased the excitement. We heard the Christmas story and felt such awe. It was so easy back then. It was all so magical.

When did I forget to be in awe of the baby born? When did I lose sight of the true reason for the season?

But now there is shopping to do, either fighting the crowds or scouring the internet looking for a bargain and the perfect gift to impress.

When did I forget that the baby grew to manhood, had a ministry, came for my salvation? Well maybe I didn’t actually forget, it just went into the background of the busyness of the season.

But there are cookies to bake, events to attend…

“He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.”Isaiah 53:5 (KJV)

Local events, school events, parties, parades, performances. Is there even time to go ice skating?

Another tree, made into a rugged cross.

So much to do, so many people to see…

The crowds taunted him. They turned on him, crucified him; he died an agonizing death. For me. To reconcile me to God. For you. To reconcile you to God, his father. My father. Your father.

The gifts are purchased, but they still need to be wrapped. I have to go to work. There’s mom taxi driving. There’s grandchildren to see. It’s all too much. I need more hours in the day!

STOP. Hault!

The real meaning. Because if the real meaning isn’t there, the rest is all rubbish. Waste of money, waste of time.

Take a breath. All of this rushing around and craziness is optional.

His dying on that cross was optional. Yet he chose it. To bring salvation and eternal life to you and to me, if we believe and accept the gift.

I believe, Lord Jesus. Thank you.

So I ask you…Where do you stand before the tree?

I hope you choose belief, to accept the salvation he offers.

Merry Christmas, friends. Let’s celebrate!


“Life isn’t easy. Together we can make it better”






Who do I think I am anyway?

As I went out before sunrise to get the newspaper this morning, I stepped cautiously, careful not to slip on the wet leaves lying on the sidewalk. I looked down at first so I wouldn’t fall. Then I glanced upwards and caught a glimpse of a multitude of stars, all twinkling before dawn.

This came to mind:

“When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?”  Psalm 8:3,4 (NIV)

And I am humbled.

For those times I didn’t think my prayers were answered, at least not in the way I thought they should be.
For those times I was angry at God or disappointed and felt like giving up on believing in Him at all.
For the times people I loved died when I wanted them to be here.
For my doubting Thomas days, when I thought I knew better how God should run things here on earth.

Those stars. That moon. The stars that twinkle. The moon that shines like a flashlight. They are suspended and beautiful and I am in awe of God’s creation. They hang up there reminding me who is in control and it’s not me. He knows best, whether I agree with Him at the time or not.

I am barely a speck of dust in this universe, yet I am loved by Almighty God. I am both awestruck and humbled.

Not too long after, I turn around and look out my window. Just that fast the scene is gone and a new day begins. Not to worry. I know the one who guides the way.

Make it a good day~


“Life isn’t easy. Together we can make it better.”


Words That Haunt, Part Three


The last of a three-part series.

How many times have you heard someone say, “It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it?”
This is true, you have to be careful with your tone or you can wind up sounding sarcastic.

This is my brother, Rich, along with his daughter.  He often gets himself in trouble for the way he says things. He lived with my sister for a short time during his college years. One morning he came downstairs when my sister was having her coffee, wearing a cozy new bathrobe. Rich looks at her and says in a sarcastic tone,  “Nice robe, Pat”.
“What? You don’t like it?”
“What do you mean, I said it was nice.”

One evening, she made a particularly delicious chicken dinner. Rich said to her, “This chicken is really good.”
“Thanks, do you want some more?”
“I didn’t say I liked it THAT much.”

We call these things Richisms. Continue reading Words That Haunt, Part Three

Words That Haunt, Part Two

The second of a three-part series.  Check out part one!

Words that haunt are often those spoken in the heat of the moment.

“A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”
Proverbs 15:1 (NIV)

My husband is good with the gentle answer part. Me? Not so much. I get my feathers ruffled a bit too easily. I am prone to fly off the handle when angry, saying things I often regret later.

James 1:19 says, “Take note of this. Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.”

It’s not always easy to exercise self-control, but if we spend more time listening, we might understand what’s actually happening, rather than jumping to conclusions.

“Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.”
Proverbs 16:24 (NIV)

Oh boy, I fail with that one. A good goal though. I do think I need to try harder.

The thing about anger is, it seldom accomplishes anything, except maybe to push away the person you are hollering at.  The words you are spouting out get lost in the air as the target of your anger shuts down. If you’re screaming, the other person begins to feel justified to turn away and ignore everything you are saying. So instead of communicating, an impasse is created. Mission not accomplished! Better to maintain control and speak in a respectful voice, difficult as that may be in the moment.

And then there’s this: Continue reading Words That Haunt, Part Two