Tag Archives: pause

Be Still

I love seeing egrets and herons. The way they are frozen in place, looking so tall and majestic,  gives an air of peace about them.

When I see one of these great birds, no matter how rushed or crazy my day, I have to pause and gaze at them. I’ve been known to suddenly crane my neck when going past a body of water. They can stop me right in my tracks. There’s just something  about their calm appearance that stirs me from within.

On a recent trip to Maryland, we went out on a lake Continue reading Be Still

Racing Against The Wind

replacement turbine

Two steps forward, one step back. Three steps forward, two steps back. One step forward, two steps back. I’m not talking about the ballroom here. I’m talking about the dance of life.

May. It always seems to be such a busy month. Ever feel like you’re racing against the wind? Trying so hard, but getting nowhere fast?

There is so much to do right now and we are unable to keep up. Why, this month alone we’ve had a wedding, baby shower, graduation, birthdays, confirmation, play practice and performances, etc. You get the picture. I’m sure you can fill in the blanks for your own life.

And then there are the usual things: grocery shopping, meals, dropping the kids off, picking the kids up, home maintenance, church, meetings, landscaping (still waiting!), exercise (didn’t happen!), and the list goes on.

Then there’s work. Whew–I have to go to work to get a break!

There’s not a minute to spare and there’s still so much to do. Stop the world, please, I’d like to get off.

As I was walking out to my car yesterday to go to another event, I got a sudden jolt and quickly glanced at my feet. Had I put on the brown or the black shoes? I was relieved to see I had the right color on. OK, we’re good. Proceed.

No. Halt. Take a pause. Enjoy the moment. Be glad for the busyness. Be thankful for the ability to be busy. As a health care worker, I am keenly aware that so many people are unable to keep the pace we are at, and given the chance, would choose it.

So I will keep going, but with a grateful heart. From the house to the car and the car to the house, I will stop and admire the flowers and listen to the sounds of the birds. Wave at my neighbor. I will give a prayer of thanks for all that I have and all I am able to do and give of my time.

Stop. Pause. ready, set…GO!

Enjoy your blessedly busy day,


“Life isn’t easy. Together we can make it better.”