Tag Archives: resolutions

Is Lasting Change Really Possible?

Here we are again, ready to move on to another year.

It’s that time for leaving regrets behind. You know the drill: starting fresh, making resolutions, creating lists, choosing a word for the year, etc. We all want to take advantage of the turn of the calendar to give us incentive.  To change things up.  To do better, be better, look better.

Maybe THIS is the year for success!

But is it possible to make lasting changes?
Continue reading Is Lasting Change Really Possible?

Fresh Starts and New Beginnings

Most people think of January 1st as a day to start fresh. There are resolutions, words for the year, new plans for getting fit and healthy, etc.

But I find March a better month for all of that. Now I’m not saying I don’t think about those things with each new year. It’s just that there’s a certain increase in motivation that comes with March.

I’m an early riser. And I do mean early. 4:30am early. Recently, the birds have been singing not long after I rise. A sure sign of spring.

Energy is in the air. Spring flowers are emerging, showing us that life is still good.  The days are getting longer. No more of that winter dreariness and moody blues.

Now is a great time to think of change. You see, that was the word I chose for this year. CHANGE. Partly because change is happening to me, like it or not. My husband and I are becoming empty nesters. Retirement is on the horizon, something that was always far off and someone else’s life. Alas, I have entered the senior generation. (Disclaimer: I still feel young.)

But mostly because I want to change things up. The necklace above is one I’ve been wearing daily as a reminder that this is the year to embrace change.

In the coming weeks and months, there will also be some change going on here at lifeisnteasy. I hope you will join in with me to create change in your life too. More to come on that soon I promise.

Stay tuned….

In the meantime, feel free to share your own goals for this year, and how it’s going.  I’d love to hear from you!



Blue Monday-7 Thoughts On Creating A Happier Year

Did you know today is the day referred to as “Blue Monday” for 2021? It typically falls on the third Monday in January of each year. It’s considered to be the most depressing day of the year, due to a combination of factors: shorter days, less sunlight, time since Christmas, debt accrued, and failed New Year’s resolutions.

With the pandemic keeping us home more, this certainly is a more difficult start to the year than most years. Continue reading Blue Monday-7 Thoughts On Creating A Happier Year

🎵…And A Happy New Year 🎶

“Happy New Year!”

“Happy New Year to you, too!”

How many times have you been part of this exchange in the past week? It comes with high hopes for a good year ahead, and often with longing for a better year than the one that came before. We wish all the best for our family, friends, neighbors, co-workers and ourselves.

But what makes for a happy year anyway? Do you ever feel that happiness eludes you?

I have. I don’t tend to be a happy person by nature. I want to change that.

It’s been traditional to make resolutions for the new year. This often ends in Continue reading 🎵…And A Happy New Year 🎶