Category Archives: Home

Leaning Toward the Light


As I exited the church recently I noticed the marigolds in this bed were all leaning in one direction. Every one of them was pointed toward the sun.

Do you remember learning about photosynthesis in school? Plants require light in order to process and produce the energy they need. In high school I conducted an experiment Continue reading Leaning Toward the Light

When Life Isn’t Fair, Part 1


I have to admit I’ve been struggling lately.  I’ve been in a place of contemplation.

It’s not that anything terrible is happening in my own life at the moment.  Well sure, we don’t have enough money in the bank, and there are too many days until the next paycheck. There are disagreements in the house, but hey, who doesn’t have them? There aren’t enough hours in the day to accomplish everything that needs to be done, but there never was.

It’s more than that. Continue reading When Life Isn’t Fair, Part 1



Which came first, the chicken or the egg? That age-old question you probably first heard somewhere around the third grade. To everyone else, it was up for debate. To me it was simple:  God created the chicken. The chicken came first. It laid the egg.  No mystery. Problem solved. Easy. This is what I believed to be true.

Not so easy for the early followers of Jesus. He came to bring life and bring it more abundantly. But He spoke in a mystery and many times his teachings were difficult to understand and even harder to accept. Continue reading Believe

Monday Blues

I was up early as usual, reading and sipping my coffee. I heard my husband’s alarm go off. A few minutes later he shuffled through the living room. “Morning came early,” he mumbled as he dragged himself up the stairs to shower.

I had to laugh. Yes, Monday is the hardest day of the week for most.  The harsh reality of the working world, after a couple of days off. Continue reading Monday Blues