I’ve Been Published!

I’m excited to announce that I was chosen as one of the contributors in the newest release by Chicken Soup For The Soul, The Magic Of Cats.

A while back, I acquired an older version of one of their cat books at a local book fair.  It sat for some time, as I’d bought a few too many books that day. No surprise there to anyone who knows me well. One night I was looking for some light reading and picked it up. As I read a few of the stories, I couldn’t help but smile. I made it a habit to read two or three a night until I was finished the book. I totally enjoyed it.

I knew the books were stories by contributors and decided to see what offerings they had for writers. Continue reading I’ve Been Published!

20/20: Through The Eyes Of A High School Senior

My heart breaks for the loss suffered by this year’s high school seniors. It was to be the culmination of all years prior, the reward for all of their hard work. This was their last year to be with friends, enjoying the ultimate experiences of the class trip, prom, and countless other “lasts”.

And where are they? Home. After becoming accustomed to having the independence that a driver’s license brings, and with the majority now legally adults, they are home with their parents and siblings. Our world has become a bizarre, unfamiliar place. Teaching is now reassigned to online classrooms with a whole new discipline. No doubt these students just want to break free and run off with their friends.

Continue reading 20/20: Through The Eyes Of A High School Senior

A Rainbow Of Hope

I was leaving work this past week in a solemn mood. Heading toward the exit, I couldn’t wait to rip the mask off my face and toss it into the trash. It was raining, a fitting end to a dismal day. The number of patients testing positive for Covid-19 was escalating. More and more were being admitted into the hospital. In fact, my last exam was on one of those patients. Protecting myself, other patients and my loved ones again weighed heavily on my mind.  

I just wanted to get out and be done for the day. Rain seemed appropriate and the hallway leading to the parking garage felt longer each time I went down it. Continue reading A Rainbow Of Hope