The Day After

The gravy boat is empty. The crowd has gone home. Leftovers are put away. The kitchen is clean again. Yet the smell of a roasting turkey lingers in the house. I wonder how long that will last as I reflect on the day.

It feels a bit lonely this morning. I love preparing Thanksgiving dinner and having a full house. The smells, the noise, the laughter. Sharing a meal and too much of it at that! Fun conversations and tripping over each other in our less than modest home. Seeing family when we are too far apart and don’t see each other often enough. Inviting new friends to join in. It was all good.

But today I woke up with thoughts of what I could have done differently. Continue reading The Day After

The Crepe Myrtle

I first discovered what a crepe myrtle was on a family trip to Virginia. These trees were all over, in varying colors. My favorite was the deep rose variety. I kept admiring them throughout the vacation, wondering if they would grow in New Jersey.

A few years later, a new garden center had them for five dollars as part of a grand opening sale. How could I resist that? Rushing over, I found the color I wanted and home it came with me. Now granted, it was a small sapling, but I was excited.

I assumed one day it would look like the beautiful tree you see above. That didn’t happen.

Continue reading The Crepe Myrtle

It’s Not The Heat, It’s The Humidity

“It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity.” How many times have you heard that lately? Usually, I’d agree. But this week in New Jersey is just plain HOT. Heat, humidity, whatever. HOT!

Can I bake a cake in my car? Fry an egg on the hood? Possibly, but I’m too hot to bother experimenting. Continue reading It’s Not The Heat, It’s The Humidity

And Then There Were Three…

Oh, why can’t anything in life just stay the same?

We lost our Missy this week. Our fifteen year old Maine Coon kitty. Was she really fifteen? I guess I was in denial.
The first time we met Missy was at the breeder’s house in 2004. She was the runt of the litter, but a spunky little thing. We had only intended to get one male kitten, but when we were offered her at half price, what could we do? Two kittens are always more fun than one, and so she came home with us.
Sadly, she developed chronic sinusitis and often had upper respiratory infections. Occasional rounds of antibiotics would get her back to normal for a time. We were told her life expectancy was shortened because of this, but when she made it past ten, it seemed she’d keep going forever.

So she was fine. Until she wasn’t. Continue reading And Then There Were Three…