Tag Archives: Maine Coons

And Then There Were Three…

Oh, why can’t anything in life just stay the same?

We lost our Missy this week. Our fifteen year old Maine Coon kitty. Was she really fifteen? I guess I was in denial.
The first time we met Missy was at the breeder’s house in 2004. She was the runt of the litter, but a spunky little thing. We had only intended to get one male kitten, but when we were offered her at half price, what could we do? Two kittens are always more fun than one, and so she came home with us.
Sadly, she developed chronic sinusitis and often had upper respiratory infections. Occasional rounds of antibiotics would get her back to normal for a time. We were told her life expectancy was shortened because of this, but when she made it past ten, it seemed she’d keep going forever.

So she was fine. Until she wasn’t. Continue reading And Then There Were Three…