Rejection hurts



Not too long ago, I had a situation where I experienced rejection unlike no other. Shunned. Separated from the group. Cut off from the peers I thought were my friends. This hurt me deep to my core and threw me off kilter for weeks. Truthfully, I didn’t know what to do or how to feel about it. Those I thought were allies seemed as if they didn’t care. I felt alone. It left me to wonder whether anybody really liked me, or if I was just being tolerated. My insecure self still doesn’t know the answer to that, but I’ve come to the point where I can move beyond it.

Truth be known, this didn’t come easily. Self-doubt crept in and took up camp in my brain. Disappointment in myself and questioning my worthiness became the order of the day.  It all began to feed on itself;  the old monster of depression reared it’s ugly head once again. I was powerless to stop it. Or was I?

Considering my options,  I knew I could choose to continue down this path and sink to a new low, or I could rise above it. The choice was mine alone to make.

So…I did what any other over-thinker would do:  I thought about it and thought about it some more!

And then…I thought about my Savior. Jesus. Despised. Rejected by men. Crowned with thorns, made to carry his own cross and crucified. And before that happened, all of his disciples abandoned him. Those he called friends were nowhere to be found. They denied him, ran away and were absent when he needed them the most.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not in any way comparing my own angst to that of the son of God. But he, he knows what rejection feels like. He can empathize with any one of us who feels alone and abandoned. He. He is there for me. My Lord and my God.

So… I will set my eyes on him. I’ll strive to be a better person, knowing that not everyone is going to like me. I’ll rest in the assurance that I am loved by God for who I am, right where I am.

He is the one constant I can count on. No matter what.

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
(Romans 8:38,39 NIV)

Make it a better day, knowing you are loved.


“Life isn’t easy. Together we can make it better.”


6 thoughts on “Rejection hurts

  1. You’re back! I’m glad! I know of which you speak and YES, Jesus is always in our corner. You know who your true friends are, and more than likely they are believers, am I right?! I am so glad you are past those awful circumstances, and am glad you shared.
    Sometimes we forget that the God of the universe, who placed the stars in the sky, knows every thought we think, and the numbers of hair on our heads. His love is unsurpassed, even when we feel totally unlovable.

    Thank you, Carolyn, for reminding me of this….

  2. I know the hurt of thinking someone cares and finding out they’ve rejected you also. Pressing into my Savior’s arms is indeed the best place to go.

  3. Father, thank You for Carolyn. Thank You for giving her the gift of words so that what she endures isn’t wasted pain but will be used by You to help and encourage others.

    1. Marlene, thank you for taking the time to read! I will be praying for you in earnest as you head out to Colorado. What a blessing you have been to so many. <3

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