A Rainbow Of Hope

I was leaving work this past week in a solemn mood. Heading toward the exit, I couldn’t wait to rip the mask off my face and toss it into the trash. It was raining, a fitting end to a dismal day. The number of patients testing positive for Covid-19 was escalating. More and more were being admitted into the hospital. In fact, my last exam was on one of those patients. Protecting myself, other patients and my loved ones again weighed heavily on my mind.  

I just wanted to get out and be done for the day. Rain seemed appropriate and the hallway leading to the parking garage felt longer each time I went down it.

Looking out the window, I saw the sun was now shining, illuminating the raindrops. My mood lifted slightly.  I quickened my pace, wondering if there might be a rainbow. As I entered the elevator I found myself a bit excited as to what I might see.

When I got off, I headed to the side which was opposite the sun. And there it was.

Not just the beginnings of one, but a double! I went to my car, put my belongings inside and rushed back to the wall. In that minute the sun had brightened the sky even more.  I hung over the edge and saw it in all its glory.

I’ve always loved rainbows. The spectrum of colors is so pretty.  But this day it held even more significance.  A sign of hope. A sign of God’s presence even when he seemed far away. A symbol of beauty in a world that feels like it has a black cloud hanging over it.

A sense of peace came over me. I said a prayer of thanks and just stood and admired the scene. It was a welcome calm amidst the storm we’ve been facing.

These are troubling times which aren’t going away anytime soon. The limitations and restrictions are difficult. Here in our free country, we aren’t accustomed to being told what to do, or shall I say, what we can’t do. Staying put in our houses is so outside of our norm. The “new normal” they are calling it is anything but. 

I have no magic answer, though I wish I did. Tougher times are ahead.  It will likely get worse before it gets better. For a time though, not forever. It may feel like forever right now, but this too shall pass. Not without fear, not without loss, not without sorrow. But it will pass.

I’m going to hold onto hope that the rainbow signifies there are better days ahead. 

And I still believe… 

When Jesus gave his disciples a difficult teaching about eating his flesh and drinking his blood, they didn’t understand. We do now, in retrospect of Christ’s suffering on the cross and being our stand-in for sin, along with our tradition of taking communion. They didn’t have that vantage point at the time, and many turned away, no longer following him.

“You do not want to leave too, do you?” Jesus asked the Twelve.  Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We believe and know that you are the Holy One of God.”  John 6:67-69 (NIV)


Tomorrow is the day we celebrate the resurrection of Christ. The day of all days that brings hope and the promise of eternal life, if we believe. No matter what happens here on earth, we have the promise of better to come.

This is my rainbow of hope.

Happy Easter and God bless,


“Life isn’t easy. Together we can make it better.”

6 thoughts on “A Rainbow Of Hope

  1. I love rainbows, too. Seeing one reminds me of God’s promise to never flood the entire earth again. And in that moment, my thoughts and God’s thoughts are THE SAME.

    Isn’t that marvelous?

  2. Dear Carolyn, Thanks so much for sharing this. Since especially coming to know long ago the significance of the rainbow in the story of Noah (Genesis 9), I have long observed and felt God speaking to me and lifting my spirit in such times of change, trial, loss or catastrophe. I will continue to keep you, and others on the “front lines” of this current global crisis and trial, in my thoughts and prayers, as my heart goes out for all. <

    1. Thank you very much. These are frightening times for sure. I’ve decided to stay in each moment, each day, and remain in prayer.

  3. Thank you, my forever friend, for sharing “your” rainbow with us!
    Amazing how that simple sign can warm our hearts and put a smile on our faces.
    A wonderful reminder of WHO is really in control…

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