Category Archives: Home

Thankfulness and Fear

Today I feel thankful. Nothing unusual about that, as it’s Thanksgiving, leading most of us to reflect on our blessings.

But this year is different than any we have lived through. 2020 has been nothing short of bizarre.  With the pandemic of the coronavirus ever lurking around and the fear and uncertainty that surrounds it, it may be difficult to find that gratitude right now. Continue reading Thankfulness and Fear

The New Normal?

This is my mother. She died one day short of the day she was hoping to reach. Her 85th birthday. She may mean nothing to you, but she meant the world to me. How could she not? She was my mother. The first face I saw. The first person I smiled for.

She died from COVID-19. What’s that you say? She was already old and it was her time to go? No. She was enjoying her life. It might have seemed a simple life to you, but she finally, after a lifetime of struggle, had settled in. She was well taken care of and enjoying her friends. Her body may have been failing her, but her mind was still sharp. Continue reading The New Normal?

I’ve Been Published!

I’m excited to announce that I was chosen as one of the contributors in the newest release by Chicken Soup For The Soul, The Magic Of Cats.

A while back, I acquired an older version of one of their cat books at a local book fair.  It sat for some time, as I’d bought a few too many books that day. No surprise there to anyone who knows me well. One night I was looking for some light reading and picked it up. As I read a few of the stories, I couldn’t help but smile. I made it a habit to read two or three a night until I was finished the book. I totally enjoyed it.

I knew the books were stories by contributors and decided to see what offerings they had for writers. Continue reading I’ve Been Published!