Warm Thoughts On A Snowy Day

Snow! I love waking up while it’s still coming down. It’s just so beautiful. Here are some thoughts for you to ponder.

Each snowflake is unique. No two are exactly alike. Hard to believe isn’t it? Some may be similar, but not identical. They evolve from the same matter but in the process of forming become different. An amazing thing.

Likewise, no two people are exactly alike. Not even identical twins. Even if you can’t tell Continue reading Warm Thoughts On A Snowy Day

🎵…And A Happy New Year 🎶

“Happy New Year!”

“Happy New Year to you, too!”

How many times have you been part of this exchange in the past week? It comes with high hopes for a good year ahead, and often with longing for a better year than the one that came before. We wish all the best for our family, friends, neighbors, co-workers and ourselves.

But what makes for a happy year anyway? Do you ever feel that happiness eludes you?

I have. I don’t tend to be a happy person by nature. I want to change that.

It’s been traditional to make resolutions for the new year. This often ends in Continue reading 🎵…And A Happy New Year 🎶

The Best Gender Reveal

Gender reveal parties are all the rage these days. Expectant parents look forward to having an ultrasound, and are anxious and excited to find out the sex of their baby. The wait from a positive pregnancy test to determining the gender can seem so long. However, it wasn’t all that long ago that you had to wait until delivery. Continue reading The Best Gender Reveal