Running On Empty?

Has it been a long week for you? Are you feeling out of steam, tired, worn out?  Do you long for the weekend so you can rest and relax?

Often the weekends don’t even provide for that break you are craving. Let’s face it, we usually spend that time playing catch-up for things we couldn’t get done during the week. Grocery shopping. Yard work. Home maintenance. Laundry. Paying bills. Parents spending their time shuttling kids around to various activities and sports. Looking in on relatives.  It can be exhausting.

If only you had more energy. What to do…

There is no magic answer, but there are a few things that can help. They may be obvious but sometimes a reminder is worthy.

-Keep a schedule. Don’t stay up later because you can. It only makes it worse when you have to get back into routine.

-Get enough sleep. Not everyone needs eight hours, but get what you know you need.

-Eat right. Easier said than done, but the payoff of feeling better is worth passing over that doughnut for.

-Exercise. You know you need to. Plus-endorphins!

-Drink lots of water. It’s proven that our brains function better when we are hydrated properly. Don’t pass over this important fact. It matters.

-Get outside. Nurture with nature. It’s the best medicine I can think of. Take a walk, take a hike, or just sit and admire the beauty that is there. But get out of the house.

-Laugh: often, hard, loud. Endorphins!

-Pray. Don’t neglect your spiritual needs. Look to the one who gives you strength when you need it most.

“He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.”  Isaiah 40:29-31 NIV

Make it a great day. You can do this.


“Life isn’t easy. Together we can make it better.”


4 thoughts on “Running On Empty?

    1. It just made my day that you took the time to read it with all you have going on. Praying for you, Marlene. Almost there!

  1. Good morning Carolyn and Happy Friday! One of my many favorite bible verses and oh so true! We serve and worship an amazing God, amen? Have a blessed weekend and take your own advice…….rest!

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